Student Organizations

Make new friends, get involved in the campus community, and build your career skills by joining a student organization. We have more than a dozen different mechanical engineering-related undergraduate and graduate student organizations where you can share your skills or further explore your interests.

American Nuclear Society (Student Section)

Members in the ISU Student Section of American Nuclear Society are encouraged to freely discuss nuclear science and its applications. While ISU ANS is innately focused on physics and engineering, the club is open to all majors as the nuclear science field is highly interdisciplinary. Along with interactive discussions, activities include site visits to facilities using nuclear technology and presentations from academia and industry professionals. The faculty advisor is Mirka Deza. For more information, email Ashley Miller (chapter president).

American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers

This chapter of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. strives to advance the arts and sciences of heating, refrigeration, air conditioning and ventilation and the allied arts and sciences, for the benefit of the general public. We connect students with industry and professional ASHRAE members as well as encourage interactions between students with common interests. Learn about ASHRAE standards and grow your passion for this industry through socials, design competitions, industry speakers, industry tours, and conference attendance.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

With over 125,000 members around the globe, ASME serves engineering professionals, students, and educators alike to promote the art, science, and practice of mechanical engineering. The ISU chapter is completely student run and provides its student members with opportunities to grow beyond the classroom, through activities like industry-sponsored meetings, professional discussions, and design contests. Industry professionals frequent general meetings and Friday After Class (FAC) social events to meet members and talk about their companies. For more information, email the faculty advisor, Matt Hagge.

Cyclone Space Mining

Cyclone Space Mining is a multidisciplinary student organization that designs and builds a lunar robot to compete in the annual NASA Robotic Mining Competition. Students from all majors and backgrounds are encouraged to join. For more information, email The faculty advisors are Emmanuel Agba and James Hill.

Engineers Without Borders

EWB at Iowa State was founded in 2008, and the chapter has since worked on projects in Mali, Belize, and now Ghana. Students have the opportunity to apply their education to real-world projects alongside experienced professionals. In addition to developing technical skills, members experience new cultures and create personal relationships with the people of the partnering communities. EWB-ISU is working for a world in which the people we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs while creating responsible leaders and transformative experiences for members. Types of projects include water supply, sanitation, structures, agriculture, energy, civil works, and information systems. For more information, email Melynda Hoover (co-president) or Haley Swartz (co-president). The faculty advisors are Mark Mba-Wright and Owen Kolstad.

National Society of Black Engineers

The National Society of Black Engineers promotes engineering, science, technology, and mathematics related curriculum to all students, especially underrepresented minorities, and strives to retain minorities in sciences. For more information, email Tiara Turner (president) or Wadood Daoud (vice president). The faculty advisor is Lequetia Ancar.

Pi Tau Sigma

Pi Tau Sigma was founded on March 16, 1915 to recognize students with high academic standing in the Mechanical Engineering curriculum and to stimulate and promote departmental activities. The Iowa State Pi Epsilon Chapter was installed at the National Convention in November of 1942. There are currently over 140 active chapters across the country with a total membership exceeding 100,000.The Pi Epsilon Chapter at Iowa State seeks to foster scholarship among students and promote academic quality in the department. Among its activities, Pi Tau Sigma is involved with outreach to K-12 students, sharing experiences about internships/study abroad/graduate school with younger ME students, participation in departmental committees, hosting lab tours, social gatherings, plant tours, and administering the Professor of the Year Award (selected by ME seniors). At present, over 50 undergraduate students in our department are members of Pi Tau Sigma. Membership in the organization gives students a special distinction and the opportunity to support the department in a number of ways. Benefits include the honor of being recognized for your academic record, opportunities for service and leadership, and greater interaction with professors and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. For more information, email Jacob Winter (student president). The faculty advisor is Jonathan Claussen.

SAE International

Every year, the organization designs, builds, markets and races mini Formula, Baja Supermileage, and Clean Snowmobile vehicles. SAE International also has many opportunities to attend national automotive trade shows, listen to technical speakers about new developments in the automotive field, and provide many career opportunities to dedicated members. For more information, email the faculty advisor, Paola Pittoni.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) at Iowa State collaborates with Latinos in Science and Engineering (MAES) to try to help our members achieve their academic and professional goals. Students of any engineering or science major are welcome, even if they are not Latino. Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for leadership experience and opportunities for travel to national conferences. During general meetings we usually have professionals from engineering fields come speak with us, and food is always provided. We are many cultures, but one familia. For more information, email Liz Nieves-Perez (student president), Marcos Cortes (student treasurer). The faculty advisors are J. Eliseo De León and Mirka Deza.

Society of Manufacturing Engineers

A mixture of Industrial Technology Majors, Engineering Majors, and anyone else who is interested. We participate in plant tours, projects, and are active with our senior chapter. For more information, email Matthew Lakota (chapter president). The faculty advisor is Saxon James Ryan.

Society of Women Engineers

Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders by hosting meetings – Development, Leadership, Education, Resources, Visibility. For more information, email Glenna Lovig (chapter president) or Megan Peters (chapter president-elect). Faculty advisors include Kaitlin Bratlie, Amy Carver and Michelle Soupir.

Tau Beta Pi

Members: 200-225
Contact: Anthony LoCurto, President
Advisors: James HillAmy Kaleita-Forbes, LeVern Faidley

The national engineering honor society, Tau Beta Pi, was founded at Lehigh University in 1885 by Dr. Edward Higginson Williams Jr. to honor exemplary character as undergraduates in engineering and high achievement in the field of engineering. The Iowa Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi was founded on December 20, 1907 and has since initiated more than 6,000 members.

Team prISUm

Members: 175-200
Advisors: David Ringholz, Emmanuel Agba, James Hill

It is our mission to build a practical solar car that changes the paradigm of transportation. In doing so, we strive to inspire future generations to pursue their passions through education.

Women in Mechanical Engineering

Members: 25-50
Elena Gladen, President
Margaret Mathison, Paola Pittoni

Bringing women together to share the experiences and rewards of being a mechanical engineer. We offer free events to all women studying ME at Iowa State to foster a sense of community through social and professional events.
