Energy systems are pervasive in our society. A list of energy-related subjects and applications in the engineering curriculum would be nearly endless, but here are some examples:
- Mechanical engineers have a core area in thermo-fluids where courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer for a base for energy systems.
- Electrical engineers address power transmission and distribution as well as electric motors and power systems.
- Civil engineers develop structures for wind turbines and hydroelectric dams.
- Chemical engineers develop alternative fuels and clean burning technologies.
- Material engineers develop new materials for batteries and fuel cells.
- Aerospace engineers develop wind turbines.
- Industrial engineers address manufacturing efficiency and energy reduction.
- Agricultural engineers develop biorenewable energy sources.
Energy systems are also a significant focus of the grand challenges of engineering, and this minor will help our students address these issues in their engineering careers.
The goal of the minor in energy systems is to provide ISU engineering students with focused educational opportunities in the broad area of energy systems. Successful energy systems minor students will understand broad energy perspectives, the language of energy systems, and the economic, environmental, and policy issues related to energy in the two required courses (six credits) for the minor (Econ 3800 and EE 3510 OR ME 4330). Note that credit for both EE 3510 and ME 4330 is no longer accepted (as of January 2017). The remaining nine credits in the minor can be selected from a list of approved engineering courses related to energy systems to give students the opportunity to extend their knowledge.
Required Courses
ECON 3800. Energy, Environmental and Resource Economics.
*Only offered during spring semester*
(Cross-listed with ENV S) (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ECON 1010
Natural resource availability, use, conservation, and government policy, with emphasis on energy issues. Environmental quality and pollution control policies.
Effective January 2017, one of the following two courses is required in addition to Econ 3800, either EE 3510 OR ME 4330. Note that credit for both EE 3510 and ME 4330 will no longer be accepted.
EE 3510. Analysis of Energy Systems.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: PHYS 2220
Energy-scientific, engineering and economic foundations. Energy utilization-global and national. Sectoral analysis of energy consumption. Relationship of energy consumption and production to economic growth and environment. Technology for energy production. Economic evaluation of energy utilization and production. Scientific basis for global warming. Environmental impact of energy production and utilization. Renewable energy.
ME 4330. Alternative Energy
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 1670; PHYS 2320 or PHYS 2320H; PHYS 2320L
Basic principles, performance, and cost analysis of alternative energy systems including biofuels, bioenergy, wind, solar, fuel cells, storage and other alternative energy systems. Performance analysis and operating principles of systems and components, and economic analysis for system design and operation will be taught. Emphasis is on alternative energy technologies needed to meet our future energy needs at various scales ranging from household to city to national levels.
Elective Courses (Updated January 2025)
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: MATH 1660 or MATH 1660H; PHYS 2310 or PHYS 2310H; PHYS 2310L
Basic introduction to the fundamentals of Wind Energy and Wind Energy conversion systems. Topics include but not limited to various types of wind energy conversion systems and the aerodynamics, blade and tower structural loads, kinematics of the blades and meteorology.
AERE 5700. Wind Engineering.
(Cross-listed with E M). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years. Prereq: ABE 3780, ME 3450
Atmospheric circulations, atmospheric boundary layer wind, bluff-body aerodynamics, aeroelastic phenomena, wind-tunnel and full-scale testing, wind-load code and standards, effect of tornado and thunderstorm winds, design applications.
(Cross-listed with TSM). (3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 1630 or higher, MATH 1400 or higher
Converting biorenewable resources into bioenergy and biobased products. Biorenewable concepts as they relate to drivers of change, feedstock production, processes, products, co-products, economics, and transportation/logistics.
ABE 3420. Agricultural Tractor Power.
(2-3) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: CHE 3810 or ME 2310
Thermodynamic principles and construction of tractor engines. Fuels, combustion, and lubrication. Kinematics and dynamics of tractor power applications; drawbar, power take-off and traction mechanisms.
ABE 3630. Agri-Industrial Applications of Electric Power and Electronics.
(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S. Prereq: ABE 2160
Single phase and three phase circuit design. Electrical safety. Electric motors and controls. Programmable logic controllers. Digital logic, instrumentation and sensors.
ABE 3800. Principles of Biological Systems Engineering.
(2-2) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ABE 3160
Unit-operation analysis of biological systems, through the study of mass, energy, and information transport in bioresource production and conversion systems. Quantification and modeling of biomass production, ecological interactions, and bioreactor operations.
ABE 4130. Fluid Power Engineering.
(Cross-listed with M E). (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in EM 3780 or ME 3350, ABE 2160 or ME 2700
Properties of hydraulic fluids. Performance parameters of fixed and variable displacement pumps and motors. Hydraulic circuits and systems. Hydrostatic transmissions. Characteristics of control valves. Analysis and design of hydraulic systems for power and control functions.
ABE 4720. Design of Environmental Modification Systems for Animal Housing.
(Dual-listed with ABE 5720). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered even-numbered years. Prereq: ABE 2160, ME 2310
Principles and design of animal environmental control systems. Insulation, heat and mass transfer, fans, ventilation, air distribution, heating and cooling equipment, energy use, control strategies. Individual and group projects required for graduate credit.
ABE 4800. Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems.
(Dual-listed with ABE 5800). (Cross-listed with ENSCI/GLOBE). (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: ABE 3800
Systems-level quantitative analysis of biological systems, including applications in foods, feeds, biofuels, bioenergy, and other biological systems. Introduction to economic analysis and life-cycle assessment of these systems at multiple production scales. Applying these tools to evaluate and improve cost and sustainability performance of these biological systems.
ABE 5720. Design of Environmental Modification Systems for Animal Housing
(Dual-listed with ABE 4720). (3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S. Prereq: ABE 2160, ME 2310
Principles and design of animal environmental control systems. Insulation, heat and mass transfer, fans, ventilation, air distribution, heating and cooling equipment, and controls. Individual and group projects required for graduate credit.
ABE 5800. Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems.
(Dual-listed with ABE 4800). (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: ABE 2160; MATH 2660; BIOL 2110 or BIOL 2120; ME 2310
Systems-level engineering analysis of biological systems. Economic and life-cycle analysis of bioresource production and conversion systems. Global energy and resource issues and the role of biologically derived materials in addressing these issues. Students enrolled in ABE 5800 will be required to answer additional exam questions and report on two journal articles.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: CHE 2050, CHE 2100, PHYS 2210, credit or enrollment in MATH 2670
Momentum and mechanical energy balances. Incompressible and compressible fluid flow. Applications to fluid drag, piping system design, filtration, packed beds and settling.
CHE 3570. Transport Phenomena II.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: CHE 3560
Conduction and diffusion, convective heat and mass transfer, boiling and condensation, radiation, and design of heat exchange equipment. Introduction to diffusion.
CHE 3580. Separations.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: CHE 3100, CHE 3570, AND CHE 3810
Diffusion and mass transfer in fluids. Analysis and design of continuous contacting and multistage separation processes. Binary and multicomponent distillation, absorption, extraction, evaporation, membrane processes, and simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
CHE 3810. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: CHE 2020, MATH 2670, PHYS 2320, CHEM 3250 and Credit or concurrent enrollment in CHE 3100 and PHYS 2320L
Application of thermodynamic principles to chemical engineering problems. Thermodynamic properties of fluids, phase equilibria, and chemical reaction equilibria.
CHE 3820. Chemical Reaction Engineering.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: Credit in CHE 3100; CHE 3810, credit or enrollment in CHE 3570
Kinetics of chemical reactions. Design of homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactors.
CHE 4150. Biochemical Engineering.
(Dual-listed with CHE 5150). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: CHE 3570, CHEM 3310; BBMB 3010 or BBMB 3030 or BBMB 4040
Application of basic chemical engineering principles in biochemical and biological process industries such as enzyme technology and fermentation.
CHE 5150. Biochemical Engineering.
(Dual-listed with CHE 4150). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: CHE 3570, CHEM 3310; BBMB 3010 or BBMB 3030 or BBMB 4040
Application of basic chemical engineering principles in biochemical and biological process industries such as enzyme technology and fermentation.
CHE 5540. Integrated Transport Phenomena.
(4-0) Cr. 4. F Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Conservation equations governing diffusive and convective transport of momentum, thermal energy and chemical species. Transport during laminar flow in conduits, boundary layer flow, creeping flow. Heat and mass transport coupled with chemical reactions and phase change. Scaling and approximation methods for mathematical solution of transport models. Diffusive fluxes; conservation equations for heat and mass transfer; scaling and approximation techniques; fundamentals of fluid mechanics; unidirectional flow; creeping flow; laminar flow at high Reynolds number; forced-convection heat and mass transfer in confined and unconfined laminar flows.
CHE 5830. Advanced Thermodynamics.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Application of thermodynamic principles to chemical engineering problems. Thermodynamic properties of non-ideal fluids and solutions; phase and chemical-reaction equilibria/stability.
CHE 5870. Advanced Chemical Reactor Design.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Analysis of complex reactions and kinetics. Fixed bed, fluidized bed, and other industrial reactors. Analysis and design of non-ideal flow mixing, and residence times. Heterogeneous reactors.
(2-2) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: (CONE 2220; CONE 2510; PHYS 2320; PHYS 2320L) or Permission of Instructor
Comprehensive coverage of mechanical systems, plumbing, fire protection. Analysis techniques and design principles for each system. Required comprehensive design project for a major building project.
CONE 3530. Electrical Systems in Buildings.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: ([Credit or concurrent enrollment in CONE 3520]; PHYS 2320 or PHYS 2320H; PHYS 2320L) or Instructor Permission
Comprehensive coverage of building electrical systems including power, lighting, fire alarm, security and communications. Analysis techniques and design principles for each system. Required comprehensive design project for a major building project.
CONE 3540. Building Energy Performance.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CONE 3520 or Permission of Department
Energy performance of buildings, building shells, HVAC, electrical and other building systems. Analysis and evaluation of building performance, energy efficiency, environmental quality, first costs, and operating costs. Strategies to exceed energy code requirements through the ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S. Prereq: MATH 2670; PHYS 2320 or PHYS 2320H; credit or concurrent enrollment in EE 2300
Structure of competitive electric energy systems. System operation and economic optimization. Mutual inductance, transformers. Synchronous generators. Balanced three-phase circuit analysis and power calculations. Network calculations and associated numerical algorithms. Two-port circuits. Voltage regulation. Resonance and power factor correction. DC and induction motors. Power electronic circuit applications to power supplies and motor drives.
EE 4480. Introduction to AC Circuits and Motors.
(3-2) Cr. 2. F.S. Prereq: EE 4420
Half-semester course. Magnetic circuits. Power transformers. AC steady state and three-phase circuit analysis. Basic principles of operation and control of induction and single-phase motors.
EE 4520. Electrical Machines and Power Electronic Drives.
(2-3) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: EE 3030; EE 3240
Basic concepts of electromagnetic energy conversion. DC motors and three-phase induction motors. Basic introduction to power electronics. Adjustable speed drives used for control of DC, induction, and AC motors. Experiments with converter topologies, DC motors, AC motors and adjustable speed drives.
EE 4550. Introduction to Energy Distribution Systems.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: EE 3030, credit or registration in EE 3240
Overhead and underground distribution system descriptions and characteristics, load descriptions and characteristics, overhead line and underground cable models, distribution transformers, power flow and fault analysis, overcurrent protection, power factor correction, system planning and automation, and economics in a deregulated environment.
EE 4560. Power System Analysis I.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: E E 3030, credit or registration in E E 3240
Power transmission lines and transformers, synchronous machine modeling, network analysis, power system representation, load flow.
EE 4570. Power System Analysis II.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: EE 3030, credit or registration in EE 3240
Power system protection, symmetrical components, faults, stability. Power system operations including the new utility environment.
EE 4580. Economic Systems for Electric Power Planning.
(Cross-listed with ECON). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: EE 3030 or ECON 3010
Evolution of electric power industry. Power system operation and planning and related information systems. Linear and integer optimization methods. Short-term electricity markets and locational marginal prices. Risk management and financial derivatives. Basics of public good economics. Cost recovery models including tax treatment for transmission investments.
EE 4590. Electromechanical Wind Energy Conversion and Grid Generation.
(Dual-listed with EE 5590). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in EE 4520, EE 4560
Summary of industry status and expected growth; power extraction from the air stream; operation and modeling of electric machines, and power electronics topologies for wind energy conversion; analysis of machine-grid power electronic circuits, controller interface, and collector (distribution) networks; treatment of harmonics, flicker, over/under-voltages, filters, low-voltage ride-through, and reactive compensation; relaying; effects on transmission expansion, planning and grid operation and coordination including variability, frequency control, reserves, and electricity markets; overview of storage technologies and hybrid configurations.
EE 5520. Energy Systems Planning.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Characteristics of bulk energy conversion, storage, and transport technologies. Environmental legislation. Modeling of electricity markets. Evaluation of sustainability and resiliency. Types of planning analyses: economic, multi-sector, long-term, national. Planning tools and associated optimization methods.
EE 5530. Steady State Analysis.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Power flow, economic dispatch, unit commitment, electricity markets, automatic generation control, sparse matrix techniques, interconnected operation, voltage control.
EE 5540. Power System Dynamics.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Dynamic performance of power systems with emphasis on stability. Modeling of system components and control equipment. Analysis of the dynamic behavior of the system in response to small and large disturbances.
EE 5550. Advanced Energy Distribution Systems.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Transient models of distribution components, automated system planning and distribution automation, surge protection, reliability, power quality, power electronics and intelligent systems applications.
EE 5560. Power Electronic Systems.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Converter topologies, AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC, AC/AC. Converter applications to do motor drives, power supplies, AC motor drives, power system utility applications (var compensators) and power quality.
EE 5590. Electromechanical Wind Energy Conversion and Grid Integration.
(Dual-listed with EE 4590). (3-0) Cr. 3. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Summary of industry status and expected growth; power extraction from the air stream; operation and modeling of electric machines, and power electronics topologies for wind energy conversion; analysis of machine-grid power electronic circuits, controller interface, and collector (distribution) networks; treatment of harmonics, flicker, over/under-voltages, filters, low-voltage ride-through, and reactive compensation; relaying; effects on transmission expansion, planning and grid operation and coordination including variability, frequency control, reserves, and electricity markets; overview of storage technologies and hybrid configurations.
(Cross-listed with ENV S, GEOL, MTEOR). (3-0) Cr. 3. S.
Prereq: CHEM 1630 or CHEM 1670 or CHEM 1770
Exploration of the origin of Earth’s energy resources and the environmental and climatic impacts of energy acquisition and consumption. Renewable and non-renewable energy resources within an Earth-system context. Various environmentally-relevant topics such as water quality and availability, habitat destruction, greenhouse-gas emissions, and health and safety hazards to wildlife and human communities.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 1780; MATE 2150 or MATE 2730 or MATE 3920; and credit or enrollment in MATE 2160 and MATH 2670
Basic laws of thermodynamics applied to phase equilibria, transformations, and reactions in multicomponent multiphase materials systems; thermodynamic descriptions of heterogeneous systems; binary and ternary phase diagrams; interfaces, surfaces, and defects.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
A review of the fundamental principles of heat, work, basic thermodynamic relations, and criteria for equilibrium. Analytical treatments for the thermodynamic description of multicomponent chemical solutions and reacting systems are developed and employed to predict phase equilibria in materials systems. Builds on the thermodynamic construction to treat the kinetics of chemical reactions and phase transformations. Topics include general first order and second order transitions, along with chemical diffusion. Detailed examples involving nucleation and diffusion limited growth, spinodal decomposition, martensitic transformations, magnetic and electric transitions, and glass formation will be considered.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F.S.SS. Prereq: ME 2310
Gas power cycles. Fundamentals of gas mixtures, psychrometry, and thermochemistry. Applications to one-dimensional compressible flow, refrigeration, air conditioning and combustion processes.
ME 3350. Fluid Flow.
(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S.SS. Prereq: ME 3450, MATH 2650; (MATH 2660 or MATH 2670), credit or enrollment in ME 3320.
Incompressible and compressible fluid flow fundamentals. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Internal and external flow applications. Lab experiments emphasizing concepts in thermodynamics and fluid flow. Written reports are required.
ME 4130. Fluid Power Engineering.
(Cross-listed with ABE). (2-2) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Credit or enrollment in EM 3780 or ME 3350, ABE 2160 or ME 2700.
Properties of hydraulic fluids. Performance parameters of fixed and variable displacement pumps and motors. Hydraulic circuits and systems. Hydrostatic transmissions. Characteristics of control valves. Analysis and design of hydraulic systems for power and control functions.
ME 4330. Alternative Energy.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: CHEM 1670; PHYS 2320 or PHYS 2320H; PHYS 2320L
Basic principles, performance, and cost analysis of alternative energy systems including biofuels, bioenergy, wind, solar, fuel cells, storage and other alternative energy systems. Performance analysis and operating principles of systems and components, and economic analysis for system design and operation will be taught. Emphasis is on alternative energy technologies needed to meet our future energy needs at various scales ranging from household to city to national levels.
ME 4360. Heat Transfer.
(3-2) Cr. 4. F.S.SS. Prereq: ME 3350
Heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation. Similarity concepts in heat, mass, and momentum transfer. Methods for determination of heat transfer coefficients. Combined modes of heat transfer. Heat exchangers. Lab experiments emphasizing concepts in thermodynamics and heat transfer. Written reports are required.
ME 4370. Introduction to Combustion Engineering.
(3.0) Cr. 3. S. Prereqs: Credit in ME 3320 or equivalent and credit or enrollment in ME 3350 or equivalent
Introduction to the fundamentals of combustion and the analysis of combustion systems for gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels-including biomass fuels. Combustion fundamentals are applied to the analysis of engines; turbines, biomass cookstoves; suspension, fixed-bed, and fluidized-bed furnaces; and other combustion devices.
ME 4410. Fundamentals of Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: ME 3320
Space conditioning and moist air processes. Application of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid flow principles to the analysis of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning components and systems. Performance and specification of components and systems.
ME 4420. Heating and Air Conditioning Design.
(1-5) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ME 4410
Design criteria and assessment of building environment and energy requirements. Design of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems. System control and economic analysis. Oral and written reports required.
ME 4440. Elements and Performance of Power Plants.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: ME 3320, credit or enrollment in ME 3350
Basic principles, thermodynamics, engineering analysis of power plant systems. Topics include existing power plant technologies, the advanced energyplex systems of the future, societal impacts of power production, and environmental and regulatory concerns.
M E 4480. Fluid Dynamics of Turbomachinery.
(Cross-listed with AERE). (3-1) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: AERE 3110 or ME 3350
Basic principles, thermodynamics, combustion, and exhaust emissions of spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines. Laboratory determination of fuel properties and engine performance. Effects of engine components and operating conditions on performance. Written reports required.
ME 4490. Internal Combustion Engines.
(3-1) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: ME 3250
Basic principles, thermodynamics, combustion, and exhaust emissions of spark-ignition and compression-ignition engines. Laboratory determination of fuel properties and engine performance. Effects of engine components and operating conditions on performance. Written reports required.
ME 5300. Advanced Thermodynamics.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Fundamentals of thermodynamics from the classical viewpoint with emphasis on the use of the first and second laws for analysis of thermal systems. Generalized thermodynamic relationships. Computer applications of thermodynamic properties and system analysis. Selected topics.
ME 5320. Compressible Fluid Flow.
(Cross-listed with AERE). (3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Thermodynamics of compressible flow. Viscous and inviscid compressible flow equations. One dimensional steady flow; isentropic flow, shocks, expansions. Multidimensional compressible flow aspects. Linear and nonlinear wave analysis and method of characteristics. Subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows.
ME 5350. Thermochemical Processing of Biomass.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Advanced treatment of heat transmission by conduction, convection, and radiation.
ME 5360. Advanced Heat Transfer.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Junior, Senior, or Graduate Standing
Introduction to thermal and catalytic processes for the conversion of biomass to biofuels and other biobased products. Topics include gasification, fast pyrolysis, hydrothermal processing, syngas to synfuels, and bio-oil upgrading. Application of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics to bioenergy and biofuels.
ME 5380. Advanced Fluid Flow.
(3-0) Cr. 3. F. Prereq: ME 4360 or graduate standing
Detailed analysis of incompressible/compressible, viscous/inviscid, laminar/turbulent, and developing fluid flows on a particle/point control volume basis.
ME 5420. Advanced Combustion.
(3-0) Cr. 3. S. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Thermochemistry and transport theory applied to combustion. Gas phase equilibrium. Energy balances. Reaction kinetics. Flame temperatures, speed, ignition, and extinction. Premixed and diffusion flames. Combustion aerodynamics. Mechanisms of air pollution.
ME 5450. Thermal Systems Design.
(3-0) Cr. 3. Alt. S., offered odd-numbered years. Prereq: Graduate Standing or Permission of Instructor
Integrating thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer to model thermal equipment and to simulate thermal systems. Second law and parametric analysis; cost estimation, life cycle analysis and optimization. Some computer programming required.
Advisory Committee
Mark Mba Wright, ME Advisory Committee Chair | markmw@iastate.edu | |
Tom Brumm, CoE | tbrumm@iastate.edu | |
Steve Martin, MSE | swmartin@iastate.edu | |
Vik Dalal, ECpE | vdalal@iastate.edu |
How to Apply
To apply for the Undergraduate Minor in Energy Systems, follow these steps:
1. Complete the Request for Minor form available from the Iowa State University Registrar’s office.
2. Obtain a signature from your academic advisor.
3. Submit form to energyminor@iastate.edu.
We encourage you to consult either your undergraduate academic advisor or a member of the advisory committee for assistance during the application process. Email energyminor@iastate.edu, or visit 2045 Black Engineering if you have any questions.