Funded by: National Science Foundation
Judy M. Vance
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-2160
Moller-Wong, C.
Asst. Prof., Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, ISU
West, T.
Asst. Prof., Accounting, ISU
January 1996-January 1999
This research will develop a flexible accounting system that integrates four alternative costing methodologies into the product life cycle framework. Using virtual manufacturing equipment, the operational and financial impact of proposed technologies can be assessed. Five industry collaborators will participate in developing and testing a modification to an existing virtual manufacturing cell environment that incorporates the new cost model. The results of this work may be used to develop a practical tool for moving beyond traditional accounting methods in assessing the impact of proposed technology investments on an existing factory environment. Fundamental issues in making process design decisions will be explored in this research that should enable the development of practical models for assessing operational and financial impact of new technologies. Design tools based on these models would be used in accounting, process design, and technology management to estimate the cost of introducing new technologies.
Implementing Discrete Event Programming in a Virtual Factory