Funded by: Deere & Company
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011-2160
4/2001 to 4/2002
This proposal seeks funds to develop a virtual environment to be used for product design where consideration of anthropometric data is important in the design of the product. The current method of designing workspaces uses standard human models based on standardized tables of representative one-dimensional measurements of the human population. We proposed to develop a design tool where the designer can examine an entire set of human landmarks and consider these dimensions in the design of the product. Instead of designing just to the 95th percentile male, the designer will be able to examine an entire set of anthropometric data. In this way, product design will be more suitable to the entire population of individuals instead of specially designed for an imaginary composite human who matches the 95th percentile male.
VRAnthro: Ergonomic Design of Operator Workstations