See which research programs interest you by reviewing our research page! The Department has developed six strategic research foci areas, Computational Sciences, Energy, Fluids, Health, Multi-scale Engineering, and Systems. We have also outlined the faculty areas of expertise to better guide you as to what faculty you may be interested in working with during your graduate education.
Finding a Major Professor
We encourage you to send an email communication to faculty with whom you have a specific match in research area. Please avoid sending generic emails to all faculty. If a faculty member is interested in following up on your communication, they will do so. If you do not receive any return communication, we suggest you wait 2-3 weeks before attempting another contacting them again. Faculty always prefer email communication. Please understand that the purpose of your communication is simply to ‘advertise yourself’ rather than to seek a response.
The list of all graduate faculty and their research areas can be found here: Faculty Areas of Expertise.
Learning about the Faculty
You will find information about their research areas in the faculty directory. There are videos about the faculty and research areas on the College of Engineering channel.