Faculty Resources

The follow resources are available to our faculty.

  • A person who has a COI with an applicant should:
    • Step down from the search committee, if feasible (university policy),
    • Recuse him/herself from discussions of the candidate in:
      • Search committee meetings, (if stepping down is not feasible),
      • Faculty (or staff) discussions of hiring discussions,
      • Any other discussions about the candidate outside these contexts.
    • Abstain from feedback, ranking, or votes pertaining to the hire.
  • Examples of conflict of interest in hiring (although other COI situations may occur):
    • In faculty hiring: an applicant is a current or former:
      • Advisee/mentee of a current faculty member.
      • Post doc for a current faculty member.
      • Spouse/immediate family member*of a current faculty member.
      • Close collaborator of a current faculty member.
    • In staff hiring: a relative of a member of that staff search committee applies the search.
    • Other conflicts of interest are possible; they can be positive or negative.
    • * In accordance with Board of Regents policy, immediate family member is defined as parent, child,
      sibling, first cousin, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, current or former spouse, brother or sister-in-law,
      father or mother-in-law, son or daughter-in-law, step-parent, step-child, or domestic partner.
  • Other notes:
    • The search committee should look for potential COIs during review of the candidates,
      and bring potential COIs to the department chair’s attention (regardless of whether they
      are judged to be significant).
    • An employee can recommend or encourage a person with whom they have a COI to
      apply to a search, but once they have applied, the guidelines above become relevant.
  • ISU policy and processes relating to conflicts of interest in hiring:
    • Disclosure of Conflicts http://www.policy.iastate.edu/policy/conflict#Disclosure
      • It is the responsibility of every university employee covered by this policy to fully disclose
        the nature and degree of conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment, as defined
    • What should the employee do?
      • https://www-provost.sws.iastate.edu/faculty-and-staff-resources/coic/examples/nepotism
        The employee should step down from the committee, or, at a minimum, recuse him/herself
        from the hiring decision.

I am an instructor and I have a student that I want to hire as a UTA, do they need to fill out the application?

All students who want to be a UTA need to fill out the online Application each semester. The student can indicate that they have already spoken to an instructor about being a UTA. Be mindful that it is possible that a student has talked to multiple instructors. Students can only work 20 hours per week.

I am an instructor and I have a student that I want to hire as a UTA, what is the next step?

Once you have identified a student that you want to hire as a UTA, fill out the Faculty UTA Request form. This allows the Undergraduate Program Assistant to keep track of hiring requests.

I am an instructor and I do not have an idea of a potential UTA to use for my course?

If you need assistance identifying candidates, please fill out the Faculty UTA Request Form. You can indicate that you do not have a student in mind in the need names field and the Undergraduate Program Assistant will be more than willing to send you a list of potential UTAs from the applicant pool. It is your responsibility as the instructor to communicate with the potential UTA to accurately convey your expectations of the student before a formal offer is generated. Once you have identified a UTA you want to hire, fill out the Faculty UTA Request form again and indicate your selection.

As an instructor, what is my role in communicating with the potential UTA?

As an instructor, it is your role to communicate with the potential UTA during the selection process. This allows you as an instructor to accurately convey your expectations of the student before a formal offer is generated.

I am an instructor and I have a UTA from a previous semester that I just want to continue using, do they still need to fill out the application?

All students who want to be a UTA need to fill out the online Application each semester. The student can indicate that they have already spoken to an instructor about being a UTA. Even if you want to continue using the UTA for the next semester, the faculty member needs to submit the Faculty UTA Request Form. This allows the Undergraduate Program Assistant to keep track of all UTAs.

I am an instructor and I have a UTA from a previous semester that I just want to continue using, do they still need to fill out the onboarding paperwork?

Onboarding paperwork needs to be completed every semester.

When can my UTA start doing work for me?

The payroll period for UTAs is the first day of classes to the last day of classes each semester. A UTA cannot do work before that time. A UTA cannot do work before their onboarding paperwork has been submitted.

I am an instructor and I have a student in mind that I want to be my UTA, but they are not a Mechanical Engineering Major. Can they still be my UTA?

It is preferred that you hire Mechanical Engineering Students to be your UTA. However, they can be your UTA as long as they are majoring in an ABET Engineering Program at Iowa State University.

I am an instructor and I have a student in mind that I want to be my UTA, but they are a concurrent BS/MS student. Can they still be my UTA?

Once a student is part of the concurrent masters program, they are classified as a graduate student and are therefor ineligible to be a UTA.

What training does my UTA need to complete?

All UTAs must complete FERPA Training. They can access this training at https://training.ehs.iastate.edu/IowaSU/site/.

Graduate Assistantships

POSC Help for Faculty

Graduate Student Academic Forms

Desk Assignments
