Learn about ISU ME’s safety resources by exploring the topics below.
More information is listed at the bottom of the page in the “More information” portion. Many of these resources are taken from Iowa State University’s Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) resources.
Thank you for your efforts in maintaining a safety culture in your shop or laboratory. It is ME’s priority to provide clean and safe workspaces for research and technical work.
What to do in an emergency
Emergency procedures for Black Engineering Building
Suspicious activity
Health concerns
- Information for Accidents and Incidents
- Employee and Student Incident Reports (must report within 24 hours of incident)
- Employees should contact Occupational Medicine at McFarland Clinic by calling (515) 239-4496.
- Students should contact Thielen Student Health Center at 2260 Sheldon Ave., (515) 294-5801.
- If you require urgent counseling for any reason, call (515) 294-5056; during after hours, call (515) 290-3642. Business hours during fall and spring semesters are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Business hours during summer semesters and academic breaks are 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
- Experiencing a mental health crisis?
Campus emergency alert
ISU ME safety training requirements
- ME Safety and Health Committee Mandated Core Training for ME Laboratory Access [ADD LINK]
ISU ME research and instructional labs and fieldwork policies
- ME Research and Instructional Laboratories and Field Work Safety Policies and Guidelines [ADD LINK]
Using ISU ME’s training area on Learn@ISU
The ME Safety, Health and Space Committee has developed trainings that are hosted on Learn@ISU. These trainings can be assigned as additional training requirements by PIs, laboratory supervisors, course instructors, student groups and others within ME. Learn@ISU can be linked to Canvas, and custom ME training content can be assigned using the ME Safety Training Platform Procedures developed by the committee. Please email [INSERT EMAIL] to request more information.
Starting a new project or procedure
The list of resources below can be utilized when starting a new project or procedure at ISU.
ISU ME standard operating procedures (SOP) library
The Iowa State University Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) provides these standard operating procedures (SOPs) as a starting point for researchers to develop SOPs that are tailored to the specific circumstances of the researcher’s lab. These SOPs have been submitted by Iowa State University researchers and staff and EH&S makes no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of their content for any specific lab. EH&S expressly disclaims any warranty or liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this site.
Visit the site.
All of these EH&S SOPs and other SOPs developed by ME can be found in the Learn@ISU course catalog and are now available for assignment as training.
ME instructor laboratory safety guidelines
The ME Safety, Health and Space Committee has developed trainings that are hosted on
Learn@ISU. These trainings can be assigned as additional training requirements by course instructors and others within ME.
Learn@ISU can be linked to Canvas, and existing EH&S safety training materials and custom ME training content hosted on
Learn@ISU can be assigned using the ME Safety Training Platform Procedures developed by the committee. Please email [EMAIL] to request more information.
More Information